[TenTec] How to zero-beat a Scout?

Steve Ellington n4lq@iglou.com
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 13:32:34 -0500 (EST)

Find out what your cw offset is. This is usually in the manual and
normally is around 700or 750hz. Turn your rit off. Tune in the signal for
a pitch equal to the offset. If your Scout's offset is 700hz then tune for
a 700hz tone. If you don't know what 700hz sounds like then you need to
listen to an audio generator and learn. This procedure should work for any

> I posted this question on the CW reflector, but I got varying opinions.  I
> thought that this may be a better place to get the facts!
> Here is what I think I am supposed to do:
> 1. I sweep through the tone until it disappears. (I barely hear a low
> thumping)
> 2. Tune my RIT up until I hear the signal clearly (about 600 Hz)
> Is that right?
> Thanks for any help!
> Jim Crites
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Steve Ellington N4LQ

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