[TenTec] Contest Idea

Joe L Blackwell aa4nn@juno.com
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 17:34:31 -0500

w4foa@voy.net writes:
> Sounds great Joe...thanks for taking the initiative.
> I like the RST/Model Number and  (X) hours on Saturday and (X) hours on
> Sunday...that way it gives more folks a chance to participate.  For
> starters I think using only one rig (multiplier doesn't change),
My initial thought was to get all those Ten-Tec rigs that may be in the
shack, get 'em  off the floor/off the rack and get 'em on the air.  Would
be wonderful multipliers.
> Tony, W4FOA
> PS: Maybe the final results could be sorted according to the model
> Personally, I think QRP and less than 200 watts would be
> preferable...again just my 2 cents.
Without a doubt, a final summary would include a list of model numbers
used by tentecers.  That would be most interesting, indeed.
I suggested QRP, 100W and over 100W just because Ten-Tec basic is
100W, and then there's guys like me who would run the Titan.  :-)
de Joe Blackwell, aa4nn

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