[TenTec] one more Herc II question

Clark Savage Turner csturner@falcon.csc.calpoly.edu
Sat, 20 Jan 2001 23:30:12 -0800 (PST)

I have my Herc II set up now, on a battery that seems to hold the voltage
pretty well, it can put out 500 + watts, but does stop when overdriven to
over 550, as advertised.  No 10 meter board in it.

Twice I have turned the amp on and the amp really doesn't come up for a
minute or two.  The LED for the bandpass filter does not light, though the
meter lamp and fan come on.  The meter switch can be turned to voltage and
none is indicated till some relay inside comes up.  This happened twice
out of about 5 times I have turned it on today.  Normal?

Perhaps a similar thing...I have noticed the relays (on the low pass
filter board?) click once in a while when I am transmitting, or just at
random.  Nothing seems to go wrong, I just hear a relay click when I am
talking in SSB and did not cycle the t/r (and I don't use VOX).  

Now, this is an "unused" Herc II that was purchased more than 7 years ago
and sat in a garage in a box.


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