[TenTec] RF Feedback
Chuck Brudtkuhl
Sun, 21 Jan 2001 23:57:58 -0600
I had the same problem .. then I discovered it was coming
from the lead that is connected to the rear panel audio
input. Not RF pickup in that lead directly, but due to the
load on the other end. Ferrite beads on this audio input
lead had no effect.
My problem was heaviest on 12m, but existed on all the upper
bands most noticably.
With a PK-232 connected here, the tx audio on 12m was
With a HAL ST-6000 connected here, one had to listen close
to hear the problem .. (real close, with an adjacent rx) ...
but it still existed.
All my audio goes thru a patch panel so when (rarely)
switching to SSB, I must remember to "yank" the patch cord
to open this line and have zero problems that way.
I had NOT noticed this same issue with the Omni-V (to my
Do you have anything connected to the rear audio input?
73 de Chuck
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