[TenTec] Re: grounding, station plug in protection
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 19:19:00 -0600
didn't Ten Tec resell under the TT brand an automatic lightning sensor/
antenna disconnector box ?
it would sense static and then disconnect radios from an antenna ???
The TT product should sense the static buildup and allow both ac and
antenna disconnect modules... what do ya think ?
bill ny9h
>The single point disconnect plug module would be a great T Kit project! It
>ideally would include AC power to the shack. But even a single plug in box
>that would make up all coax, balanced line and phone connections would speed
>"Safing" a station after operating hours. I think patch panel companies
>already have the basic patent on this, but if not, it was my idea! :-)
>73, Stuart K5KVH
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