[TenTec] balanced antenna systems

Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX RMcGraw@InfoAve.Net
Wed, 24 Jan 2001 10:59:51 -0800

A few years ago, I seem to recall the ARRL doing some lab tests on
various tuners, including the old Johnson KW matchbox.  It seems that
some tuners produce more heat internally than others.  i.e. had more
loss.  Some had a very limited range of Z that they could handle and a
complex Z would often produce an arc at rated power.  Overall, the
Johnson KW matchbox faired the best.  The 250 watt version didn't do so
well.  As a side note, the Johnson matchbox didn't have 160M or the WARC
band coverage.

Just an FYI.


Clark Savage Turner wrote:
> Bob brings up an interesting point.  The many "balanced" antennas are not
> quite so.  Even worse, Charlie Lofgren (Charlie Tuner to the guys at the
> Zuni Loop Field Day Group :-) did some tests on common "balanced" tuners
> to find that they were not quite so either.  I recall he said the
> Harvey-Wells Z match was not so balanced as you would think.  I don't
> recall if he tested the Johnson matchbox.  Funny stuff, eh?
> Clark
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