[TenTec] antennas & such

Jim FitzSimons cherry@neta.com
Wed, 24 Jan 2001 18:04:25 -0700

Jerry, my TT238 works great on 160M, but I can not return quickly 
to the correct spot since the rubber string sticks. Ten Tec sent
me a new string but it is hard to replace. Some day I will fix it.
I need to ask them if they have an upgrade to the 238A?
Regards, Jim FitzSimons W7ANF

Gerald C Totten wrote:
>   Although the subject of antennas and feed lines is of interest to all
> of us, I must say that I feel it is not directly tentec reflector
> related.  My suggestion is that much of this thread could be shared on
> another reflector. Or by private e-mail.
>   I must also say that I have learned a lot by reading these posts and by
> looking at the suggested recreance material.  So to bring things into
> perspective, has anyone had any trouble with the 238 tuner on 160 meters?

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