[TenTec] "A low vswr will kill you ! "
Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX
Wed, 24 Jan 2001 20:30:03 -0800
Not entirely so. Low VSWR on a transmission line means:
(a) the line is very lossy therefore the reflected power from the load
is attenuated by the loss in the line.
(b) it is terminated into a resistive load equal to the characteristic Z
of the line and there is no reflected power.
(c) it is terminated into a load containing Xl, Xc and R which approach
the characteristic Z of the line.
Only (c) above might radiate.
Jim FitzSimons wrote:
> Sherrill, a system can be resonate and radiate very little power.
> Low VSWR on a transmission line usually means lower loss and
> more radiation where you want it.
> Regards, Jim FitzSimons W7ANF
> Sherrill WATKINS wrote:
> > Dr. Johnson: I find your comments very interesting. However
> your second paragraph seems to conflict with
> the principles of conjugate impedance matching as described
> by Mr. Walter Maxwell in the QST articles? Mr. Maxwell
> explained that it is not important that the actual antenna
> itself is resonant as long as the system is resonate.
> --
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