[TenTec] FS: TenTec Hercules II Amp + PS

Eric Rosenberg wd3q@erols.com
Wed, 24 Jan 2001 23:38:23 -0500

 From the local packet cluster:

Msg #655  From: K1OPQ  Date: 24-Jan 1434Z  Subj: TenTec Hercules II Amp 
+ PS

I have a Ten Tec solid state, automatic bandswitching, or manual 
550 Watt DC, 1KW SSB amplifier to sell. Excellent condition. $900. I do 
have two
homebrew interfaces which will allow auto bandswitching of ICOM or 
YAESU rigs.

Also have for sale, the Tentec matching DC power supply model 9420. 
Pick up here or you ship.

73 de Dave K1OPQ here, at WA1WOK.NH or 603-746-5090 near Concord, NH

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