[TenTec] PLEASE, no more arguing about off-topic posts!!! Now a Tentec quest ion!

agtaylor@llnl.gov agtaylor@llnl.gov
Wed, 31 Jan 2001 15:00:56 -0800 (PST)

Please, oh please, drop this thread about tuners, open lines, and loss
due to water...

Thank you!

Now back to Tentec issues...

I have an ICOM 706 that I use as a backup rig at my home station.
It runs from either an A.C. supply or a d.c. battery bank outside.
It is unfortunately the case that the 706 loses its mind when the
voltage drops low enough...not alot below 12V will do it. So to
be really effective as a backup rig I will have to either doctor
up the battery bank to put out at least 12V as they approach the
discharge point (putting an additional cell in each string perhaps)
or replace the radio with one that is less picky. Here is where Tentec
comes in. I wonder at what voltage the classic Tentec rigs begin to
fail to work properly. That is, an analog VFO rig. Will a TT 544 / 540
or Corsair I / II run at significantly lower voltages than 12V? How
about 10V? Could someone do a test?   (I have a TT 544 but it is up
in Oregon at dad's place and I don't have a variable voltage supply
anyway!) Tests on an OmniV or OmniVI would likely not be necessary:
I couldn't afford a 2nd one anyway and their VFO is non-analog and
likely picky. I don't expect the power output to be the same, of
course, but if the rig will behave and not go into a fistful of
spurs would be sufficient.  

Does anyone want to address this Tentec topic?

73  Allan  K7GT / AE6TT


Allan G Taylor


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