[TenTec] Tom Mikelson Post
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 19:45:46 -0700
>From what I have read, the newer "G" model TS570 improved the NR1 and NR2
functions and eliminated the popcorn noise. I don't own one, so can't say
for sure.
Pat KF1S
On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 22:32:52 +0000 wo8l@att.net writes:
> Hi Tom,
> I saw your post and could'tesist a reply.
> I have a Kenwood TS570 and an OMNI V. The Kenwood
> TS570S has extreme "popcorn" band noise compared to the
> OMNI V. Its particular synthesized design makes
> listening to the Kenwood TS570S very tiring and often
> necessitates the use of headphones to dig the signal out
> of the noise floor.
> The OMNI heards signals which are buried in voise with
> the 570S. The audio is so much more pleasant because
> the noise floor is so low. The OMNI V is far, far
> quieter on a vertical antenna than the Kenwood is on a
> beam at 30 feet on the same frequency.
> The N.R.1 and N.R.2 features on the Kenwood are
> terrible. As mentioned in the QST Magazine review for
> the 570S, they create a noise similar to listening to
> signals under water. My own evaluation is that the N.R.
> features sound like Donald Duck on a bad day.
> The Kenwood broadcast noise reduction feature (B.C.
> printed on the button) is the best I've ever heard on 40
> meters. The AF DSP filters using the Filter button are
> very tight and good. These are the Kenwoods strongest
> features.
> On the other hand, the knob which changes memories is
> the same one which changes the filters. If you don't
> have the filter button pushed in but think you do, it's
> a problem. That's because one tends to rotate the
> common button with the filters not on, which changes
> bands and loses the QSO you're working.
> In other words, somebody is talking to you on 20 meters
> and all of a sudden, you've skated to 15 or 10 via the
> memory/filter button.
> I just finished switching from the OMNI V to the Kenwood
> 570S for a week or so of DX and then back again. It
> illustrated all over again just how high the background
> noise is on the Kenwood.
> In addition, the DSP slope controls on the upper right
> of the control panel seem pretty much a waste of time to
> me.
> Finally, there are so many controls packed onto that
> tiny control panel, I hit lots of wrong buttons
> constantly.
> I've used the Pegasus, too, and find it every bit as
> good a radio as the Kenwood except on a different
> platform (i.e., PC control). While the Pegasus has some
> limitation and shortcomings such as the CW tone, it
> certainly is an easier radio to use than the Kenwood and
> has fewer flaws, in my opinion.
> As far as the Kenwood TS570S goes, I wouldn't refer it
> to anybody as a primary radio.
> I've never used a Jupiter so I can't comment there.
> The Kenwood TS570S and the Pegasus cost half or less
> than an OMNI VI+ and they aren't as much radio. On the
> other hand, they sure do a great job for far less money.
> In the end, you can't work what you can't hear. On the
> Kenwood, there are times when you sure can't hear things
> you can hear on the OMNI.
> So, I guess you pay your money and take your choice.
> 73s,
> Rick
> WO8L
> >
> > Hello All,
> > First I am a Pegasus owner and enjoy my rig very
> much. I use Carl's N4PY
> > software and it is the BEST! Also my Pegasus
> > has been flawless with NO problems since I got it over
> a year ago.
> > Anyway, I have been thinking about the Jupiter.
> I love the software
> > control
> > for Pegasus/Jupiter, but after working at a computer
> all day and managing
> > people, a real radio is an inviting thought and change.
> > So I need your help for comparison. When I go to
> HRO and listen on CW
> > with
> > a Kenwood TS-570 with the NR-1 and NR-2 the effect of
> noise reduction is
> > amazing (to me). Of course I operate only CW or at
> least 99.99% of the time.
> > This is a critical feature for me. When I use my
> Pegasus noise "button" it
> > quiets things down, but the cw note gets "raspy"
> clearly not as good as the
> > 570.
> > I do not have access to a Jupiter for comparison
> and don't want to do
> > the
> > 30 day trial, unless there is a better than average
> possibility that the
> > Jupiter DSP is really favorable by comparison on CW to
> the 570. Two good
> > rigs just a challenging decision. Thanks for your
> comments and help.
> >
> > Tom Mikkelsen
> > WA0POD
> >
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