[TenTec] Periodic Posting

Jim Lowman jmlowman@ix.netcom.com
Sat, 21 Jul 2001 18:27:36 -0700

The last few weeks have seen quite an increase in bounced messages on 
these two lists, so I thought a reminder would be in order, especially to
those new to the lists.


1)  Why is my message to the list not showing up?

The most frequent case is that the message is sent with HTML or other
stylized text.  This is not my decision, but rather is made at the
server, as is true for all mailing lists at qth.net and contesting.com.
Such posts bounce to me, along with an ever-increasing amount of spam,
and will simply be deleted.  Please send messages to the T-T list in
plain text only.  Unfortunately, many web browsers are set to HTML by
default.  AOL 6.0 users - changing from HTML to plain text will require
you to contact AOL Tech. Support to find out how to do so.  This problem
is of their making; so is the solution.

While buying, selling or trading of T-T equipment is encouraged on the
lists, auctions or OBO pricing are NOT.  This, or any reference to an
auction or auction site, will cause the message to bounce.  URLs or other
pointers to auctions or to auction sites are similarly prohibited.  Repeat
offenders, or those who think they are smart by camouflaging the reference, will be banned from the list.

In the rare instance, a user may think he is a member of the list, but
really is not.  Only list members may post messages to the list.

2)  Why can't I subscribe/re-subscribe to the list?

Both T-T lists have been closed to automatic subscription for several
months now, due to problems in the past.  This means that I have to
approve each subscription request manually.  Those with a verifiable name
and amateur callsign in an e-mail address (such as AD6CW@arrl.net) go
through right away.  I have seen some pretty ridiculous e-mail addresses
in these requests, so I await further information before approving the
request.  While anyone interested in T-T equipment is welcome on the list
(being a licensed amateur radio operator is not a prerequisite) I have a
responsibility to keep spammers and other troublemakers off.

If you plan to change ISPs send me a note, in advance, with old and new
e-mail addresses, to:  owner-tentec@contesting.com (or 
owner-tentec@qth.net) or to AD6CW@arrl.net.  I will help to make the
transition go smoothly.  I am planning to change ISP myself, as I had to
do so to get DSL service.  Thus, please use the ARRL forwarding address
(which will always point to my real e-mail address) in the interim.  I
have not noticed any appreciable slowdown due to forwarding, except in the
rare case that the ARRL server is down.

Hopefully, these tips will help the new member as well as the veteran.
If you have any problems or suggestions, please reply directly to me, and
not to the list.

73 de Jim - AD6CW

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/tentec
Submissions:              tentec@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  tentec-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-tentec@contesting.com