[TenTec] CW Practive via Ten Tec Rigs
Jim Reid
Wed, 25 Jul 2001 14:17:06 -1000
Hi again,
Working away on a way to do this. Thanks to the many
who have suggested various software's for same. I
recalled yet another old piece of gear I have here;
might be a very simple approach.
I am also sending this to Joe Speroni, AH0A, a nearby
neighbor of mine, a DOS expert, and author of Morse
Academy. I hope to also get advice from him about
this project; however, after a few calls, I presume he
is now off-island. So still appreciate any help from
you folks.
I have a many years old AEA MM-3 Morse Machine. The
manual for same describes an "ASCII/Morse Converter
Mode". Quote, "Connect a computer's serial port to
the keyer. Hook up per instructions on pg. 5."
Critical line follows next in the manual:
"Set up your computer's terminal communications program
for 1200 baud, eight bits/no parity." (I have no idea what
any of that means!) "Go the Chap. 10 for more info." (!)
Much the same words are repeated, plus added key
stoke instructions to change the baud rate. And some words
about the computer sending ASCII in response to the keyboard
to the MM-3.
Then, back in Chap. 15, I find this fascinating paragraph:
"Generate on-the-air code practice by connecting the keyer
to a transmitter. setting the keyer to "ASCII/MORSE CONVERTER
mode and uploading a text file from a computer."
Ok, sounds wonderful for me. Except, where is my computer's
terminal communications program? Is it somewhere in Win98?
Does anyone out there have an AEA MM-3, and have you ever
done this? Know how to actually do these instructions?
Using this machine might be a more direct approach for
me than learning how to use the DOS " The Mill " program,
which also sends something to a serial port, but that
then needs converting with something else to key
the rigs. Or one of the other programs, such as
Hamscope or MixW, which generate CW via the
soundcard. But again the problem of keying three
rigs simultaneously is still around.
Or, put another way, Help! I am sure all of this is very straight
forward to those of you who grew up on DOS.
I don't speak that language, hi.
Presume, once I can get one rig keyed up and going, I can
then "simply" determine how to key three rigs, each on
a different band from the same MM-3 keyer; maybe the
keyer can "drive" three rigs?
73, Jim KH7M
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