[TenTec] FS: G4PKT-G4HRY Omni VI Product Detector Board

John Lockhart jlockj@earthlink.net
Sun, 29 Jul 2001 04:01:58 -0000

G4PKT/G4HRY product detector mod kit for sale.  This mod is a small circuit
board built around the SL6440C chip which acts as an improved product
detector in the  Omni VI receiver and was intended to correct in-passband
mixing of multiple signals  on CW.  This is a small daughter board that
mounts on the IF/AF board (81602) and bypasses the factory product detector
located on this same board.  This board has plenty of blank space on which
to mount this small daughter board.

Previous users have claimed better passband intermodulation performance with
this new product detector installed.  Installation requires some soldering
and component mounting but looks simple according to the accompanying
instructions. Anyone with some kit building/soldering experience should find
this very easy to perform.  I'd estimate 2 hours start to finish maximum.

As I no longer own a Omni VI, I'm offering this kit to someone else who
likes to experiment.  Kit comes with a completely built daughter board and

Original cost was $65.00.  I will sell it shipped to continental U.S. for


John  W0DC

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