[TenTec] Omni 6 keyer speed fix

Simmons, Reid W reid.w.simmons@intel.com
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 09:59:47 -0700

Does this fix apply to all Omni 6s or just the "Plus" version?

Reid, K7YX

-----Original Message-----
From: Radiodan W7RF [mailto:RFpower@radiodan.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 9:49 AM
To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: RE: [TenTec] Omni 6 keyer speed fix 

I call Don Prouty at Ten Tec today and here is the fix:
Put a .01 uf capacitor across the violet and brown leads of cable "D" on the
logic board.
Logic board is just under the top cover
Cable "D" is the only cable on that board with colored wires going to it.
Cable "D" has a violet, a white and a brown wire going to it.
Don suggests simply soldering the capacitor to the top of the connector, use
minimum heat and be reasonably quick to avoid melting the connector or wire
Alternatively, one could strip back a bit of insulation (this is usually
more difficult in the center of a wire) and solder to the wires just above
the connector.

Note: Voltage rating of the capacitor is unimportant as this is a 5 VDC line
we are filtering. OK, OK it must be a 5 VDC rating or higher!
They will send you the part if needed, but every Ham who knows what end of a
soldering iron is hot will have one in the junk box.

73, Dan Magro W7RF, (President WARC 1999, member SCDXC, SCCC)
Manufacturers Rep & Distributor for HENRY RF Power Amplifiers.
BIRD Power Measuring equipment, Still THE most accurate in the world!
Tohtsu coaxial relays, Samlex 25A power supply, Maha batteries & chargers
www.radiodan.com <http://www.radiodan.com/>     RFpower@radiodan.com
<mailto:RFpower@radiodan.com> A trip to our web site is worth the click!

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-tentec@contesting.com [mailto:owner-tentec@contesting.com]On
Behalf Of Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 5:56 AM
To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Omni 6 keyer speed fix

W9CTB wrote:

>The other one was with the constant speeding up and slowing down of the
>built in keyer. One fella told me that he had crossed the leads (inside)?
>the rig with a capacitor and it really helped but I did not try that one.
>The other man said TT had the fix for the problem. I called and they did
>not have it or anything like that.

Hello Jerry:

I'm a little perplexed by this - we've had reports from some (I'll have to
define "some" also:  a few, not all, not the majority) Omni-VI Plus owners
that the keying speed with the internal keyer will be subject to a little
bit of variation.   There is an easy fix for this problem involving the
addition of a .01 capacitor.   Please give us a call at (865) 428-0364
and ask to speak with Don Prouty in our service department.  We'll
be happy to describe the fix and send you the part at no charge.

Scott Robbins, W4PA
Amateur Radio Product Manager, Ten-Tec

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