[TenTec] OMNI V QRP Mod

jlivingo@webtv.net jlivingo@webtv.net
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 14:13:22 -0400 (EDT)

Paul, I also saw that info, but wonder if that means about 5 watts is
minimum.  Suspect it is.  My OMNI 5 meter shows 10W, but know it is not
accurate at low level and my MFJ shows about 5 watts so I guess that is
the lowest we can go.  I like to run one watt and below sometimes, but
this is OK.

I have an ARGO 556 which has some problems and wonder if I can trade it
in on a used or new Scout.  It does receive, but no indications on meter
of swr or forward power and do not believe it is putting anything out.
I used it for a while at one watt level on ten meter ssb and worked the
world.  Of course I have a small beam for ten.  Let me know about trade
in and I may make drive to Sevierville from here which is about 400
miles.  Thanks, jim, k4cfa

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