[TenTec] Frustrated
Vincent A. Santis
vsantis@javanet.com" <vsantis@javanet.com
Sat, 9 Jun 2001 18:24:29 -0400
For the fourth time in a month the bridge retifier on my model 962 power
supply for my Omni VI- has failed. In the first three failures I wan in
the midst of a cw qso, transmitting and it just shut down. Today I had
just installed a W9INN antenna and was workingf on tuner settings for 30
meters followiing the procedure in the tuner manual (Model 238). I had just
finished getting the settings left the tune mode on the Omni and was
writing the settings down, looked up and the rig was down.
My questin is there another suitable supply with the necessary overload
protection since the 962 I have is marginal? 20 amp supply with a 20 amp
demand on the rig.
Thanks for allowing me to vent :)
Vince Santis, N1VS
Winsted, CT
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