[TenTec] OMNI VI IF/AF board question
Greg Hodsdon
Sun, 4 Mar 2001 09:43:02 -0800
I would suggest verifying the component value with TT service.
TenTec commonly "updates" circuits without making any attempt
at revising the schematic or even the later editions of the manual.
73 de Greg, K7KJ
Portland, OR
> To clarify, R2 is physically close the the cutout "notch" on the IF/AF
> board, just below a .047 cap (471 marking) and is "below it" facing the
> front of the rig with the rear of the rig facing me on my lap. The IF/AF
> board is on the bottom of the rig, upper left section. The resistor on my
> board is 100 ohms, brown-black-brown, but the schematic says 1 K (should
> be brown-black-red?) This resistor is parallel to the edge of the board,
> just below the .047 cap right below the notch in the board at the right
> edge with back of the rig in my lap, face of the rig in front of me.
> Any help appreciated.
> Clark
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