[TenTec] Omni VI N/A

Fri, 16 Mar 2001 22:13:06 -0500

Hello everyone,
    I just want to say that the Omni VI is no longer available.  I thank
those who responded and hope that those still looking for an Omni VI soon
find one.  It is a rig well worth searching and waiting for.  I have had
second (and third thru thirty seventh!) thoughts and have decided that it
would be in my best interest to keep my Omni VI.  I should have spent more
time thinking through my options and feelings before posting to the
reflector as I have been regretting doing so ever since sending the message.
    I hope that you will understand.  This is no excuse but I am sure that
some of you have regretted selling some equipment afterward.   In my case I
regretted selling some equipment BEFORE it was sold.  If any regretting is
to be done I suppose the "before" type is far superior to the "after" type.
    This will give me the opportunity to do some more comparisons between
the Omni and the Jupiter.
    73's;  BILL.

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