[TenTec] Omni VI advise
Clark Savage Turner
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 06:33:27 -0800 (PST)
On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Carter Grabarczyk wrote:
> Dennis Terribile/WR4i wrote:
> > *There is a "clicking" like static when in cw. Not the smooth/silent QSK
> > that TT is famous for (and is flawless in my Argonaut 509) . Is this normal?
> Is it "clicking" or is it "static"??
> If it is static, you're on your own. If it is clicking, you probably
> have the "LCO" option turned on, which is a relay in the Omni 6 to key
Good point. The other thought I have is that the sidetone of the OMNI VI
is not smooth like other Ten Tec rigs due to a circuit that allows
tracking of sidetone volume. You can eliminate the clicking of the
sidetone by removing a connector from the IF/AF board, then the sidetone
must be set manually, but the QSK just sounds better overall due to the
sidetone. Dennis, write back if you think this is it, I can look back
inside to tell you the connector number.
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