[TenTec] Kachina discontinued
Thu, 17 May 2001 08:02:05 -0400
Dan has been around these reflectors a long time... He is straight up front
with who he is and what he stands for... If you look at his sig, and visit
his site you will see tha the does not deal in transceivers... You may want
to reserve posting opinions critical of list members until you have more
experience to base those opinions on, my friend...
Cheers ... Denny
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Kinyon - W7TS" <W7TS@Qwest.net>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 7:29 PM
Subject: RE: [TenTec] Kachina discontinued
> Part of my point is that I don't feel that someone who apparently makes a
> living selling Ham Gear, etc. should be posting to the reflectors as
> they were just another Ham and then appending ham related ads to the
> of their message. Especially when commenting on other Manufacturers.
> 73,
> Ken
> -------------------
> Kenneth E. Kinyon
> 34 Princeton Circle
> Longmont, CO 80503-2106
> Voice/fax (303) 684-0037
> E-mail: W7TS@Qwest.net
> W7TS@qsl.net
> W7TS@arrl.net
> ALPCA #8339
> -------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-tentec@contesting.com [mailto:owner-tentec@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of John L Merrill
> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 17:14
> To: tentec@contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [TenTec] Kachina discontinued
> I think I can see his point. Now that the competition has gone away will
> price of the Pegasus climb. I think probably not or it will drive us to
> off shore brands more than ever.
> The Kachina had/has a much better receiver than the Pegasus and was worth
> the extra price if you were concerned about receiver performance. The
> price/performance ratio of the Pegasus makes it hard to beat, however
> John N1JM
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-tentec@contesting.com [mailto:owner-tentec@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of Ken Kinyon - W7TS
> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 6:57 PM
> To: tentec@contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [TenTec] Kachina discontinued
> To me this post as I read it seems in very poor taste, insulting to both
> Kachina and Ten Tec. From all the ads on the bottom of your email, I
> you are a distributor of Ham equip etc. I would think you would be a
> more careful about what you write. Accept my apologies if I mis-read it.
> 73,
> Ken W7TS
> -------------------
> Kenneth E. Kinyon
> 34 Princeton Circle
> Longmont, CO 80503-2106
> Voice/fax (303) 684-0037
> E-mail: W7TS@Qwest.net
> W7TS@qsl.net
> W7TS@arrl.net
> ALPCA #8339
> -------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-tentec@contesting.com [mailto:owner-tentec@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of Radiodan W7RF
> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 16:14
> To: tentec@contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [TenTec] Kachina discontinued
> Was it that Ten Tec had it all over the Kachina? Or the price difference?
> I never really looked into the major differences between the Pegasus and
> Kachina. On the surface they seemed very similar but much cheaper.
> Now that Kachina is gone, how soon for a "new & improved" Pegasus (with
> higher price tag)?
> 73, Dan Magro W7RF, (President WARC 1999, member SCDXC, SCCC)
> Manufacturers Rep & Distributor for HENRY RF Power Amplifiers.
> BIRD Power Measuring equipment, Still THE most accurate in the world!
> Tohtsu coaxial relays, Samlex 25A power supply, Maha batteries & chargers
> www.radiodan.com <http://www.radiodan.com/> RFpower@radiodan.com
> <mailto:RFpower@radiodan.com> A trip to our web site is worth the click!
> --
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> Submissions: tentec@contesting.com
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> --
> FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/tentec
> Submissions: tentec@contesting.com
> Administrative requests: tentec-REQUEST@contesting.com
> Problems: owner-tentec@contesting.com
> --
> FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/tentec
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Submissions: tentec@contesting.com
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Problems: owner-tentec@contesting.com