[TenTec] microphones and ten tec gear

Larry Gibbs amishbuggy37@yahoo.com
Fri, 18 May 2001 08:00:53 -0700 (PDT)

Mike, I have a Heil desk mike with HC-5 so-called full
range element.

Audio reports (1 is best):
1. Heil with boost switch in.
2. Ten-Tec desk mike.
3. Heil full range. This has been described as bad.

I know I need audio boost from this mike. Maybe that
will help. Otherwise, if I had it over, I would just
stick with the Ten-Tec.

Larry W3UIO

--- mike bryce <prosolar@sssnet.com> wrote:
> Are the Heil microphones really any better or should
> I just get the
> microphone from ten tec for the radio
> -- 
> Mike Bryce WB8VGE

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