[TenTec] Air Pax Breaker
Mark Erbaugh
Thu, 24 May 2001 23:21:44 -0400
I just ordered (and received in about a week) some
T11-1-20.0A-01-11C-V breakers, but at $12.50 each. I wonder what the
difference is between them. Then only different in part number is the -11A
vs. -11C-V at the end.
I saw in another post that the -11A has screw terminals. Mine has spade
lugs, but I had the matching connecter already so it was easy to modify my
power cable.
I wonder if the -11C is stocked and the -11A is special order?
FWIW, the shipping charges were quite reasonable, on the order of $4.20 for
an order of 4.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don and Diana Cunningham" <WB5HAK@prodigy.net>
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 6:28 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Air Pax Breaker
> I didn't hear back from Karl, but did hear from Don Rasmussen, Donn
> and Jerry Nelson, so can make the minimum. Quote from Poco Sales shows
> $8.90 each for 1 - 24 of a number T-11-1-20.A-01-11A. As I see in Mike
> Mellan's email on the subject, that means it is "fast" acting (not
> and has nickel nut attachment, not knurled nut. If the three of you are
> still go, I will front the order and let you know when they arrive. The
> quote says 8 - 10 WEEKS upon receipt of order, so they don't get in any
> hurry. There will likely be some shipping charges, and I suspect $3.50
> priority mail from me to you. Let me know if I should proceed.
> 73,
> Don, WB5HAK
> --
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