[TenTec] RE: Fuzzy Jupiter note

Rick Tyler Rick Tyler" <rp.tyler@worldnet.att.net
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 20:40:23 -0500

In the June 2001 QST, the Jupiter is reviewed, and the reviewer says:

"I logged universally favorable reports on the CW transmit signal, but I ded
see a few messages on an e-mail reflector concerning a "raspy" sound to the
note.  I set up a second receiver and listened to the signal myself, and
compared it to those of a couple of other rigs I own. The signal does indeed
have a slightly different sound; not unlikethat of CW signals RECEIVED
through DSP filters. I don't consider it particularaly objectionable, but it
IS different.  It's along the same lines as the difference between the sound
of a digital and an analog telephone call.  It sounds somewhat, well,

That's from John Bottiglieri, AA1GW, Assistant Technical Editor

73 de Rick, WQ8Q