[TenTec] OMNI V Hi-Speed CW Keying

Gary N. Anderson ivfland@meer.net
Mon, 05 Nov 2001 17:43:47 -0500

I've got an OMNI V (actually V.9).....I usually use the rig at 20-24 WPM CW.  
This weekend, I tried it at 30 WPM for SS....well into the contest (after a
of requests for fills), I monitored my Xmit output and found that the
was occasionally either skipping a dit or "blurring" two dits into a dah.
does not appear in the sidetone oscillator, which sounds fine......only on
RF output as received by another receiver.

Before I get out the scope and go into heavy diagnostics, has anyone else 
seen this?  (I always thought the rig should handle 40+ WPM with full 
break-in under normal conditions.)

(BTW, I'm doing no external TR switching)

Gary W8IVF

	Gary N. Anderson 			Amateur Call:	W8IVF
	Green Bank, WV					  (WAS WA4IVF)
	"Always do right.  This will gratify some people and astonish
	  the rest."        Mark Twain