[TenTec] Simultaneous Keying Question
Jim Reid
Sun, 2 Sep 2001 09:09:01 -1000
I am now keying three TT rigs simultaneously; an Omni VI+,
on either 20 or 15 meters feeding a C3; a Triton IV (544)
on 40 feeding a F12 rotating dipole mounted on the SAME
boom with the C3, and a Corsair II operating on either 30
or 17 meters feeding a doublet wire inverted V, the apex of
which is about 10 or so feet below the boom holding the C3
tribander and 40 dipole (F12 C4 set up).
Purpose is putting out CW practice on three bands at the
same time (similar to W1AW). Now what I am seeing and
possible problems. I presume each rig is transmitting within
very few milliseconds of one another as the same keying
signal goes to each. All seems to be operating as intended,
I have gotten good reports from across most of the US
What I see: the S/vswr meter on the Triton moves significantly
on transmit. It should not, the vswr on it's transmission line is
1.1:1; and it if is keyed independently, the meter needle
moves not a whit. But if the Omni is keyed on 15 meters at
the same time (remember both radiators are on the same boom)
the Triton S meter jumps to a couple points, so the Triton rcvr is
"hearing" the Omni signal, I presume. If only the Triton and
Corsair are keyed (Corsair on 17 meters, say), the Triton
S-meter does NOT move a bit.
Second, I notice after the rigs have been keying away for
an hour or so, the digital readout on the Corsair begins to
behave erratically -- indicated frequency jumps up a kHz or
so occasionally, again when the Omni is keyed along with
it. This does not occur on initial turn on for awhile. Is
the Corsair actually changing the transmitted frequency,
or is this indicator instability?
I will be doing this again today at 2200 and 0030 UTC in
about 3 hours and 5 1/2 hours from now. Would appreciate
any signal reports on what you might hear at 18097.5 kHz
and 21067.5 kHz. Doubt if the 7047.5 signal will be
heard on the mainland at either time; it is for KH6 land
Thanks in advance for reports or thoughts on this situation.
73, Jim KH7M