[TenTec] Spec on TT Model 705 Mic
Bill Brannick
Fri, 07 Sep 2001 16:52:47 -0700
After numerous on-the- air tests and self-monitoring, I have decided that
the Jupiter to Heil HM-10/HC-5 is a shaky marriage at best... that with the
internal mic gain control max'd out, etc.
Considering picking up the Ten-Tec Model 705 desk mic, but I cannot find
any specifications on it.
First concern to me is size, given my very limited desk surface here. I was
wondering if someone could measure the base (foot-print) and also tell me
how tall it stands with a "normal" bend to the gooseneck. My guess looking
at pictures is maybe 4" x 4" x 8-10" tall.. but pictures can be deceiving.
Thanks .. Bill, W6WLB