[TenTec] Add-on to Omni 6+?

ditzian@alltel.net ditzian@alltel.net
Wed, 12 Sep 2001 15:39:57 -0400

On 12 Sep 2001, at 6:33, Eric Rosenberg wrote:

> Here's a thought for you home-brewers or INRAD, who seems to
> come up with lots of innovative stuff! 
> A nice feature of some other radios (Icom comes to mind) is that
> with ONE cable from the computer, you can:
> 1 - control the radio 
> 2 - key the radio (PTT) 
> 3 - send CW to the radio 
> With the Omni 6+ I believe you can only do item #1

No, the Omni VI and VI+ serial port commands include PTT control.
> The answer may be an interface card for items #2 and 3 (and adding a
> 4th...an FSK signal) that is electrically connected to the radio's
> DB-25 in one of two ways: 
There is already an FSK port in the Omni VI and VI+, but I do not 
see how an FSK input helps with CW keying.

Jan Ditzian