patrick herman
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 20:02:23 -0400
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I Have a excellent condition DELTA II forsale. Face is perfect as well as=
the cabinets, no mods exc. Comes with 700 handmic, power cord, and origi=
nal manual. Works 100%. I can email a pic upon request. $600.00 plus the =
shipping cost from 49442. I'm also interested in a trade for a ICOM 706MK=
IIG. Thanks Patrick K8CMA
Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>I Have a excel=
lent condition DELTA II forsale. Face is perfect as well as the cabinets,=
no mods exc. Comes with 700 handmic, power cord, and original manual. Wo=
rks 100%. I can email a pic upon request. $600.00 plus the shipping cost =
from 49442. I'm also interested in a trade for a ICOM 706MKIIG. Thanks Pa=
trick K8CMA<BR><BR><BR></DIV></BODY></HTML>