[TenTec] 302 Remote... will it work w/Omni VI?

John Clifford johnclif@ix.netcom.com
Tue, 2 Apr 2002 12:14:44 -0800

The subject sez it all... will the Pegasus/Jupiter remotes work with the
Omni VI?  If not, can they be modified easily?


 - jgc

John Clifford KD7KGX

Heathkit HW-9 WARC/HFT-9/HM-9
Elecraft K2 #1678 /KSB2/KIO2/KBT2/KAT2/KNB2/KAF2
                  ...waiting _eagerly_ for KPA2!
Ten-Tec Omni VI/Opt1

email: kd7kgx@arrl.net