[TenTec] I.C.E. BCB Filter does the trick
Dave McClafferty
Sat, 6 Apr 2002 18:09:46 -0400
I had a similar problem with my Pegasus on ten meters when using my ten
meter beam which is mounted on top of the garage that houses my shack. The
signals that caused the overload came from my computer monitor. I could hear
signals on my Gap vertical, and even on antennas not resonant on ten, that I
couldn't hear on the beam. Turning the monitor off corrected the problem.
Re-locating the beam would be a permanent cure but since 10 may be dead
before long anyway I will use the Vertical.
Dave, VE1ADH
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Kadish K8DIT" <benk8dit@serv.net>
To: <jupiter538@yahoogroups.com>; <TenTec@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 2:47 AM
Subject: [TenTec] I.C.E. BCB Filter does the trick
> I have had my Jupiter for a bit over 3 months. When on the lower bands
> 160-40 with wire antennas, I would experience what I learned was overload
> the front end and subsequent mixers in the receiver. To describe it in
> terms, the receiver was blotto, no sensitivity, motorboating, and endless
> birdies. Depending on the antenna, the overload was worse. The Random Wire
> was by far the worst, the Carolina Windom bad, the 5 band quad was quiet.
> I listened to 40 meters with the Quad I could hear with it. Later in the
> I could receive 40 lots better with the windom. Why? The local broadcast
> stations lowered power at sunset. I could also hear OK if I used the attn
> button. I called Ten Tec and discussed the problem with them. They had a
> mod, replacing 2 dual diodes on the 160 meter high pass filter on the RF
> board. This relieved allot of the overload. Not all. With this mod I could
> use the windom on 80-10 without a minimum of problems. But the Random wire
> was blotto on all bands.
> On Paul's suggestion I called I.C.E. and they recommended the 402x BCB
> pass filter, $37.00+ shipping. I got it today and put it in behind the
> Jupiter and no more blotto anywhere.
> So if you experience poor receive results anywhere, suspect the local
> Transmitters, BC or otherwise. There are bandpass filters available for
> and all scenarios.
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