[TenTec] Rohde & schwarz
Ken Bourne
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 17:28:02 -0700
I agree that it's what's inside that counts. But Ten-Tec is not
selling to the professional communications business. The amateur
radio business is more consumer-oriented (as far as the marketing
approach is concerned), but with a technical nature (especially for
high-end equipment like the ORION). If surveys show that a color
display would sell much better than a mono display, Ten-Tec would
need to go with color. But it's not just appearance or "amusement."
Color enhances operating ease, for quickly differentiating
information on a crowded display. Although the professional
communications equipment (such as the attractive EK2000 VLF/HF
receiver) offered by Rohde & Schwarz has monochrome displays, their
popular spectrum analyzers (such as the FSU Series) and some other
R&S instruments feature color displays. See
for example. I agree that offering a display with clouds or other
weird backgrounds is not elegant, but is distracting and silly. By
the way, what's your opinion on having a LIGHT color combination for
the panel and case, such as the R&S spectrum analyzer or receiver,
rather than black?
Ken Bourne, W6HK
On 9 Apr 2002 at 0:23, F. Xavier Segura wrote:
> Among all, is what's inside that counts. You'l never going to see
> names in the professional comunication business (Rohde & Schwarz, and
> many more) using colour displays just for marketing or amusement, in
> adition, at least to me, elegance is absolutely away from 756's cloudy
> display. The white needle S'meter on the Orion is the perfect
> companion a radio like this must wear.
> Thank's Ten-Tec...