[TenTec] ARRL reviews
Bill Golden
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 20:40:33 -0400
Upon confirming that this indeed is the Ten Tec reflector,
despite so many messages which appear to indicate the
contrary, I've reached the same conclusion as Dale, KG5U.
Time to say "adios" to a largely off-topic, highly negative
group of ridiculously critical hams who would rather waste
bandwidth listening to themselves complaining about the
best noble efforts of others to improve this hobby, instead
of contributing anything positive, intelligent, or original of
their own. How much simpler it is to offer unsupported
negative criticism of others and their best efforts.
Please carry on, gentlemen, with your negative criticism
of what's important today to hams, of what will make ham
radio a better hobby tomorrow. Carry on with those things
that are really important, those things that warrant kicking,
and kicking around for weeks...like Ten Tec's "lousy" front
panel color choice for their sophisticated new rigs, or the
"poor job" done by ARRL reviewers with their ham gear
reviews, or everything else that's wrong with ham radio
and those who so unselfishly have done their part to make
the hobby a better one for everyone involved.
Your thoughtless negative criticism goes a long way towards
explaining why so many hams have chosen to remain inactive,
why so many ham gear manufacturers have abandoned their
best efforts to market state of the art gear to the amateur
radio community, why so many ham radio magazines we once
enjoyed (and so many fine writers who prolifically wrote for
these publications) have largely abandoned publication, and
why ham dealers throughout the country have been forced to
close their doors forever in bankruptcy.
Adios...despite the fact that there are a handful of bright,
positive contributors here...the overwhelming negativity,
criticism, and off-topic masturbatory blabber seen daily
on this reflector suggests to me that it's time to unsubscribe
(once again, that is...for the same reasons as last time).
Apparently some things just aren't gonna change.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dale L Martin" <kg5u@hal-pc.org>
To: <TenTec@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 6:17 PM
Subject: RE: [TenTec] ARRL reviews
> Suddenly, I'm reminded why I unsubscribed from here months ago and never
> missed it.....here's another opportunity...
> adios!
> dale, kg5u
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