[TenTec] BNC vs UHF connectors for HF 100w use
Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer
Thu, 11 Apr 2002 20:48:19 -0500
Yes the UHF has a fat center pin, but it has a rotten ground connection.
I burned one black in a 2m mobile with only 18 watts many years ago. The
ground connection is only as good as the ring is tight.
At VHF type Ns handle up about a KW, but if the line isn't flat at 432
the coax begins to melt with just a little more power.
I use type C for my patch panel because it has a sturdier center pin,
but while the outer connection is larger than N its made of thinner
metal. The 7/16 is probably the best available practical connector for
amateur power limits through a few GHz. It has sturdy connections for
both center pin and ground.
The HN has a sturdy ground connection but a thin center pin.
73, Jerry, K0CQ
Entire content copyright Dr. Gerald N. Johnson. Reproduction by
permission only.