[TenTec] One day extra!

Richard Thorne rthorne@tcac.net
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 15:42:05 -0500

Well since this thread continues where it doesn't belong...

You all have to make a choice grow the hobby or at least slow the decline in
ham radio, or hit the off switch on your rigs.

----- Original Message -----
From: "HGLENT" <hglent@ix.netcom.com>
To: <hq@arrl.org>
Cc: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 3:17 PM
Subject: [TenTec] One day extra!

> Dear ARRL:
> I have a problem.  I see in the ARRL NewsLetter, Vol 21,  No 16  an
> article about "one day extras."
> Some of us have worked very hard for many years to become Extra Class
> Amateurs.  Now a club, under the auspices of ARRL, is teaching people
> ALL THEY NEED TO KNOW in one day.  That is ludicrous!
> I am an extra, and a VE.  I can assure you I will NEVER work another
> extra examination.  I could not, in good conscience, sign the forms.
> Paul E. Koretko
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