[TenTec] realpolitik
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 14:47:46 EDT
It's still off subject for the TenTec forum, but....
In the real 2002, 50 percent of graduating high school seniors cannot read
the want ads. 70 percent cannot write a simple declarative sentence. (x+y)
(a+b) is JaPolish to 85 percent of our graduating seniors. These are not
dumb kids. These are middlin' smart kids who either never had a chance to
learn or never had an incentive. And they are the core of the next
generation of hams.
It would be far more profitable to put the blame where it belongs. On the
local school boards, on their state legislatures, and above all, to the
"educational theorists" who believe it's a crime against nature to keep an
uneducated child in school until he has sufficent knowledge to earn mininum
wage. The amount of knowledge generally associated with the third grade.
A cure is more difficult. Personally, I lobby for an end to social promotion
and a return to excellence in basic education: teach a high percentage of my
new hires to read, write and make change; and spend a dozen hours a month
teaching new hams electronic basics.
Now, you have had your say, old boy, but what do YOU do for the good of the
73 Pete Allen AC5E
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