[TenTec] One day Extra Class License

Wa4aos@aol.com Wa4aos@aol.com
Sun, 21 Apr 2002 21:19:35 EDT

No need to worry about all of that technical Mumbo Jumbo and complex math 
stuff anymore. I understand that next year the requirement for the EXTRA 
CLASS license will be 50 cents and two box tops from COCO PUFFS... At least, 
that seems to be where it's all headed. Agree or disagree all you want about 
the code requirement, but the Extra Class Licenses has always commanded a 
little respect. A fellow or lady was willing to make an investment in his/her 
time to learn some theory regarding this hobby. You didn't need to be a 
Genius or an Engineer but there was effort required to obtain the license and 
many of us were able to put the time into doing something that we were proud 
of. Guess the days of taking pride in an accomplishment are quickly dwindling 
as our society succumbs to the easy way of doing everything. Thanks, Dick 
Bash for leading the way in the amateur ranks. Take a listen to 75 and 20 
meters and you will hear the benefits of lowering the standards. The most 
popular topic seems to be which mic sounds best with this Kenmore or other 
rig. They spend hours trying this setting and then another to get the audio 
just right for some bozo who doesn't have a clue and then they have 
absolutely nothing intelligent to talk about. Guess that's why they like 
burping in the mic;  the mating call of the REDNECK HAM !  !

Glenn   WA4AOS

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