[Fwd: [Fwd: [TenTec] One Day to Extra Class]]
Arthur Bernstein
Tue, 23 Apr 2002 00:21:16 -0400
This is a response from one of the organizers of the Extra Class
licensing session. I thought the members of the reflector might be
interested in his perspective. I happen to belong to this club, but
passed my Extra back in 1976, before I was a member of the club. As the
old beer commercial said, "I feel strongly both ways."
Yes, I am disturbed by the apparent decline of ham radio, by the ease by
which someone may obtain a ham license, by the de-emphasis on traditions
such as Morse Code. As sad as it may seem, ham radio is kind of an
anachronism in this day and age. I hope I have many decades to live and
that ham radio outlasts me. I still love it.
Keep the faith.
Art, N2KA..
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