[TenTec] Jupiter Dsitortion - The answer
Paul Matthews
Paul Matthews" <kb4gyt@mindspring.com
Tue, 23 Apr 2002 20:26:23 +0100
Hi All,
Thanks for the replies concerning the Jupiter. First to answer several =
questions, no the G5RV is not the only antenna...I have tried a 30m =
inveted vee. Same problem.
Lee thanks for your reply as well. Lee K2BLC had the same problem and TT =
replaced the RF board and solved the problem.
Lee, I would like to ask a couple of additional questions:
When did you purchase your Jupiter? Just curious if it might be a =
production problem covering a "run" of rigs.
If it was not in warranty, what was the charge?
Now a final question for the list: Has anyone had the internal tuner =
installed and if so, how do you like it?
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the info!
73, Paul
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