[TenTec] Jupiter taking a beating?

J. Duffy Beischel duffyb01@fuse.net
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 07:19:34 -0400

As one pro-Jupiter put it, it's Ten-Tec bashing.  Especially when you see the same guy making numerous negative 
posts.  Yes, people can be unhappy with the rig just like any other rig.  Multiple negative rantings is someone with a 
grudge and just into bashing.


4/26/2002 7:12:38 AM, "Brian Haren" <bharen@bellsouth.net> wrote:

>The Jupiter has been taking a beating lately in the reviews on eHam.  The
>complaints seem all over the map; some say the receiver is too sensitive on
>the higher bands, some say it's deaf as a post.  Other complaints center
>around quality of construction, lack of features ('one button band
>selection' seems a favorite), display quality, etc.  Most of the negative
>reviews seem to have popped up in the last few months, not sure why.  I've
>not had my Jupiter long enough to say definitively that one complaint is
>valid, the other not.  Some just seem to be whines ('One button band
>selection'?  Sure, just use the Pegasus software!).  Other, I think, are
>valid (like having to pay extra for a hand mic).  Most seem to be in that
>'gray area' known as perception ('deaf on the higher bands'?  I often have
>the same problem, but I think it's more a factor of band conditions,
>time-of-day, and antennas.).
>Anyone else out there have any thoughts on the current run of reviews?
>Valid complaints?  Just whining?  A mix?  If there are valid complaints, I
>think that some of the problems can be fixed via software update - so lets
>let TT know!
>73, Brian W8BYH
>TenTec mailing list

J. Duffy Beischel - Amateur Radio WB8NUT - http://www.wb8nut.com

Member of: ARRL, NRA, Kiwanis, Republican Party, Masons, and Shriners
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