[TenTec] Jupiter taking a beating?
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 12:37:57 -0400
On 26 Apr 2002 at 9:44, Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sa
> Folks:
> [snip, snip, snip]
> There's no way for the reader to know any of this - and the end result
> are unjustified negative reviews. That's a shame because ultimately
> it's going to lead to lost sales for Ten-Tec, and loss of revenue
> means less products we're going to come up with in the future, less
> interest in the amateur radio market by our company, etc. Don't
> think it doesn't have an impact - it most certainly does.
> Scott Robbins, W4PA
In a bizzare sort of way, these negative comments can also
have a positive result. Please do not read into what I am about
to say that I encourage massive negative commentary.....I do
not! Just an example of the effect of same.
Last year the Pegasus and Jupiter were taking it on the chin so
to speak on this group. After reading the comments for a
while, and based on my previous experience in owning many
previous models of Ten Tec gear, I just could not believe Ten
Tec would make such a poor radio as was being described.
So...........I decided to take advantage of the 30 day trial and
see if the Pegasus was really as bad as some people were
saying. I had every intention of returning the radio after
several weeks of use. Guess what? I am still using that
Pegasus a year later and I have added a Jupiter and another
Pegasus to my ownership.
I am regularly expressing my positive opinion of the PJ's on the
air when I get the opportunity and hope that it has resulted in
some additional sales for TT. So, the negative comments have
resulted in some lost sales probably, but also created some new
sales. Strange huh? :-)
We got into a discussion here of CW keying characteristics
[one of the areas where the PJ's were taking a hit] a while
back. With some excellent technical input from members of
this list and by doing some repeatable measurements, I think
we came to the conclusion that the PJ's have nearly ideal
keying characteristics with the only down side of some phase
noise. We also came to the conclusion that the audio is supurb
on SSB and AM and with Carl's software, the radios are
extremely flexible, and with some very simple programming,
bandswitching is a breeze and on and on. The PJ's are not
everyone's cup of tea any more or less than any other rig. Each
rig and person using that rig have to decide what works best
for their circumstances.
BUT....................what better way to find out if a Ten Tec is the
rig for me than to order one in for 30 days and put it to the
test? How can you loose? I think perhaps, we need to help
Ten Tec emphasize this customer service, unequalled by any
other major manufacturer as far as I know. It sure beats
driving a couple hundred miles to visit a candy store and
spending 30 minutes with a rig on a bad propagation day and
trying to make a reasoned decision. Also, I agree that perhaps
we need to be more vocal on the eham place to put the facts on
the table.
Finally, I am in the fortunate position of having many rigs
available. Perhaps some of the best radios built. I rarely use
them since getting my first Pegasus. For some reason I cannot
articulate, my radio of choice is the Peg, or if I am not near a
computer, the Jupiter. And that I think says it all!
OK, back to work while listening to some traffic nets here on
my second Pegasus. :-)