[TenTec] Anticipation, Ten-Tec staff too!

Ten-Tec Inc. Amateur Radio Sales sales@tentec.com
Fri, 02 Aug 2002 09:28:27 -0400


Update on Orion and Argonaut V.

Sorry we haven't published the specs for the Orion as of yet.  One of
our engineers also maintains our web site, and the engineering staff
has been working non-stop on getting the new radios out and delivered.
They're here before I get to work in the morning, they're here after
I leave at night. . . .

As of today (8-2-02) we are on schedule to deliver the Argonaut V
at the end of August and the Orion at the end of September.  Assuming
we don't come across anything unforseen with software development
in the engineering department or parts deliveries from our vendors.

Titan III is coming this winter, featuring a pair of 4CX800A tubes,
a little different power supply design, quieter fan.  Price range $3200ish.
The amplifier is complete and we're finished with beta testing.  Once we
have FCC certification (coming shortly) we'll order parts and start
building them.   We're not taking orders yet.

Ten-Tec will be attending two hamfests this month; Huntsville, Al.
on Aug 17-18 and Boxboro, Ma. on Aug 24-25.  Myself and N4CJX
will be at Huntsville, WDØBGS and W1AEL at Boxboro.   Hope to
see some of you there!

Scott Robbins, W4PA
Amateur Radio Product Manager

At 08:10 PM 8/1/02 -0700, you wrote:
>Well, as you wait for your ORION, some of us are
>waiting for our ARGONAUT V. Ordered before your ORION.
>Our summer has been a long hot one. August is here,
>the month for deliverly. Is that the light at the end
>of the tunnel, or just another train?
>The suspence and wait is killing me.
>73  Bill  kc4atu

Ten-Tec, Inc., 1185 Dolly Parton Pkwy, Sevierville, TN 37862 USA
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