[TenTec] Re: Titan III Color

Jim Miller k4sqr@juno.com
Sat, 3 Aug 2002 09:01:07 -0400

Glen & Readers;

At the March 2002 Charlotte Hamfest, with the RX-340 receiver to its
right, the Orion simply looked ugly and I stated this to Scott Robbins.
He later inferred ALL Amateur lines will go to black soon. He seemed to
take the comments personally, stating "Here comes trouble" when I
returned to look at it again Sunday morning. And no, he was not smiling .
So that is a big strike if this is Ten-Tec's "new road" to ignore
current/past customers opinions. 
Too bad Ten-Tec is giving up the Omni gray color so popular these past 15
+ - years  to copy "JA Black".
I believe the Centurion is now all black.
As I told Scott, I will not buy a new Orion, because I have to look at my
purchase when operating.

Jim, K4SQR

On Fri, 2 Aug 2002 14:41:29 EDT Wa4aos@aol.com writes:
> Hi,
> Sure would be nice if some of the Titan III's come in Corsair Gray 
> to Match 
> the Omni 6 and others. A black Orion look a like would be VERY ugly 
> next to 
> the Omni 6, Corsair II, Paragon and other rigs...Maybe a small 
> production run 
> in C.G. ????
> Glenn WA4AOS
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