[TenTec] Re: Titan III Color

Wa4aos@aol.com Wa4aos@aol.com
Sat, 3 Aug 2002 14:44:51 EDT


Start a thread and you can be sure to get dumped on. My suggestion / request 
was for a limited production run of the Titan III to be in the conventional 
Corsair Gray that has been promoted by Ten Tec for years. I too have all 
sorts of radio gear (63) different transceivers, transmitters and receivers," 
mostly Ten Tec" and I have a multitude of different colors around my shack. 
But, my special operating area consist of 2) Omni 6 +, a Paragon II, 2) 
Corsair II's, 2) 238 A Tuners and a Centurion Amp. 
Like MANY Ten Tec fans over the last 3 decades, I have invested heavily in 
Ten Tec gear and a simple request is just that, a request, no demands, just a 
request. GET IT GUYS???
I will continue to buy Ten Tec gear no matter what the color it comes in but 
if a guy can't ask a question or make a request on this reflector without 
being beat up for it, then there is something wrong. If you don't care what 
color the Titan III will be then why beat me up because I asked a question??? 

I don't blame Ten Tec for trying to Mainstream their product line appearance, 
I would do the same but lets not forget about the people who purchased 
products from Ten Tec for decades during the process...

Get a Life and 73,

Glenn WA4AOS