[TenTec] A hypothetic question
Sun, 4 Aug 2002 14:11:46 EDT
Hello, guys:
I'm an OT with relatively new introductions to TT, eBay, eHam, and all
the other sales possibilities. I have a new Jupiter, a second hand Scout, and
a wide assortment going back years and years.
As I new-comer to current marketing of used equipment, I have been
puzzled by many seller evaluations. "This is a 10." "This is a 9+." "This
one, if it weren't for three chips in the paint on the back side which you
can hardly see, would be a 9 for sure."
My question may seem a bit off the wall. But does anyone ever
advertise a rig and describe it is a "3," perhaps a "5+," or even a "7-." Or
are there now only two levels, "10" and "9"? Is it a rig is either a "10" or
a "9," then "don't ask" and "buyer beware" ? ? ? 8-)
Same things on the RST codes on CW or SSB. I've noticed numbers of DX
stations hand out "5&9" to all stations, even my tiny peanut, when I could
barely read them on my rig. They would honestly be a 4&5, but they give me a 5
&9. What gives? Is everything now magnificient or nearly so? 8-)
73 Raymond w5vpu
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