[TenTec] Selling stuff-pet peeve
Cara and Randy Randall
Sat, 10 Aug 2002 16:30:24 -0500
I have had a uniformly bad
experience with this method.
The problem I have had is this:
you get a
response or two or three that
think you are the sucker.. err... person
that will finance their kids collage
education! All joking aside,
the respondents do feel that you are
desperate and will pay a
much higher than normal price for
the item. I have done
much better waiting for the
next item to come up and believe
it or not getting it off of
Ebay. The offers were that
much overpriced! Reminds me of
the guy at the
Indianapolis Hamfest that had a
Kenwood TS-50 for sale.
The thing looked rough and had no
options. The seller said he
wanted $700.00 and really didn't
care if it sold or not!
Sine nice clean TS-50's can be
regularly found for
$450.00 to $500.00, I passed! Maybe
this is the same kind of person that
answers my wanted ads!
Randy KB8ASO
----- Original Message -----
From: Joseph Koppi
To: Ten-Tec Reflector
Sent: 8/10/02 0:49:01
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Selling stuff-pet
If you're looking for a piece of equipment, why wait until it's
and risk missing your opportunity. Instead, list your own
Wanted-to-Buy ad
and solicit the piece of equipment in which you are
interested. That way,
you may get to pick from two or more respondents; now, suddenly, instead
being one of many rushing to buy a single piece of equipment, you can be
person who has the pick of the litter.
Joe Koppi, W0SU
St. Paul, MN
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carter Grabarczyk" k8vt@ameritech.net
To: "tentec" tentec@contesting.com
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 5:04 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Selling stuff-pet peeve
Well group,
I'm probably just getting grumpy in my old age and /or have too
time on my hands. Anyway, here is my pet peeve:
When someone is selling something on this reflector, many times it
offered to the first one that replies. This is the problem; i.e.,
becomes an e-mail race. Whose ISP is faster or goes through fewer
Who is available to continually hover over the computer all day?
forbid if you have some kind of appointment or (gasp) actually had to
at work).
I'm sure there are many ways to handle these types of sales, but
obvious suggestion comes to mind. Just post your "for sale" message,
give a cutoff date/time (2 days, 1 day, whatever). At that time,
seller just writes down the name or call of everyone interested
draws it out of a hat. Not eBay, not an auction, it just goes for
originally advertised price. Maybe not the greatest way but
more fair than the e-mail horse race.
Flame thrower OFF
TenTec mailing list
TenTec mailing list
"...you have the pride of your daddy, girl, the heart of your mother,
come dance with me, Katie love, like there's no other..."
-"Katie Love", Celtic Soul
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