[TenTec] Orion tx bandwidth

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj@hotmail.com
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 00:31:12 +0000

>This is part of the TX spec on N9VV's website:

>TX bandwidth: 100-3900 Hz in 10-Hz steps.

Okay, I'll be the one to ask the stupid question--so there's been a certain 
amount of enthusiasm expressed over the wide bandwidth which is fine.  What 
about the opposite extreme?  Will the radio allow unintelligible narrowness 
or impose some lower limit?  How narrow can the bandwidth be made on voice 
sideband? The above spec. must include other modes (soundcard digital 
outputs... AFSK & such) surely, at the 100 hz end, hi.  I forsee some 
interesting testing on the ten tec net when the Orion starts showing up.

Rob Atkinson

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