[TenTec] Ju;iter/Pegasus RS232 Communication vs TCP/IP

Robert Dwiggins II robert.dwiggins@alumni.utexas.net
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 19:49:22 -0500

Hello All,

I have an FT-817 and use an RS-232 cable and software to control the radio.
For VHF, which is all I can operate at present, it's fine.  I don't like the
slight delay, but, for channelized operation, it's OK.  The maximum baud
rate between the radio and the computer is 38,400 with the software I have.
What is the maximum baud rate between the Peg/Jup and the computer when
using either radio under software control?

I'm going to purchase a home in the near future, so I have been considering
purchase of a Jup or a Peg as a housewarming present for myself.  At this
time, my feeling is that the Jupiter would be better for me.  I'm a little
worried with manufacturers removing RS232 ports from computers these days
that the Peg could be orphaned fairly shortly whereas a Jupiter would at
least continue working, although without computer control.  I realize I
could get a USB to RS232 adapter, but that's a very interim solution.
Personally, I'd rather Tentec et al simply use standard networking hardware
(ethernet and CAT5 cable using TCP/IP) to accomplish the communications, but
I guess that would involve installation in the radio of some sort of CPU and
ROM with an OS that is smart enough to do TCP/IP.  With TCP/IP ethernet
between computer and transceiver, there would be no distance limitation, and
the "hooks" would already be there for one to operate the radio remotely.
Neither Tentec nor its competitors seem to be moving in this direction, but
perhaps they should.

Am I just worrying overmuch, or would rigs really be significantly enhanced
if they communicated with their respective host computers via a network than
simply via RS232?
