[TenTec] Good month for Ten-Tec in QST!

Duane A Calvin ac5aa@juno.com
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 23:08:53 -0500

Just got my September 2002 issue of QST, and I see two TenTec stations in
different photos, one of them in a prominent position.  The prominent one
is on p. 90, the 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup Results - it shows Steve, N9CK,
running what looks like an Omni VI and a Paragon - he took 2nd place, low
power, behind the indomitable Don, AA5AU.  Then, on p. 100, there is a
photo of Kara, KG4GVS, on the JOTA.  Her station is the
'rack-em-stack-em' Omni/Hercules/tuner and looks very nice.  A very nice
showing for a single month.

        73,  Duane

Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas
