[TenTec] re: 3d display of spectrum from WA0TTN

Duane Grotophorst n9dg@yahoo.com
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 22:38:01 -0700 (PDT)

Yes it is somewhat along the lines of what I'm
thinking, this basic style of frequency spectrum
display presentation could be included as one of the
options for the "spectrum display centric" band tuning
radio user interface design I would love to have.

The WA0TTN web page page reminded me of another
program out there for audio processing called SR5. It
is an audio spectrum analyzer/filtering program.
Imagine a radio such as the Orion having not only 590
filter bandwidths to choose from but also an ability
to "draw" filter passband shapes to suit your tastes
or needs, much like the SR5 program can do now. Things
like as several notches, not just 2 or 3, each with
differing widths and depths, or roll-off the frequency
response at either end and/or somewhere in the middle
of the main filter  passband. SR5 is definitely a fun
program to play with even though its overall audio
fidelity is limited by the relatively low audio
sampling rates it supports. It also suffers from
significant signal latency, not really usable for full
QSK. It is at:


If radios such as the Orion had digital data streaming
capabilities this kind of filtering capability could
be implemented relatively easily on a host computer - 
without the risk of introducing distortion by patching
analog audio out of the radio into the host computer.
Or if a means could be provided to implement these
kinds of filter shapes in the radio itself by using a
robust command structure create the filter shapes you
define remotely on a host PC. Perhaps there is
something like that in the cards for the Orion in the
future given its DSP horsepower?


--- Ken Hopper - Amateur Radio N9VV
<n9vv@wideopenwest.com> wrote:
> Dear Duane,
> you wrote:
> "instead visualize a 3 dimensional frequency,
> amplitude
> and time. I really want to see that represented on
> my
> computer screen in real-time,"
> and here it is from WA0TTN with his "Carpet Display"
> pse visit http://www.qsl.net/wa0ttn/WinPSKXDemo.htm
> and drop him a line asking about his 3d display of
> frequency, time, and amplitude for PSK31 :-)
> dit dit
> de ken n9vv

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